This aid is provided by the contract program of the organic sector. The text on the Moroccan organic label will be adopted in the coming weeks.
The organic sector reaches a new level. Adopted Thursday, March 8 during the Council of Government, Decree No. 2-18-13 kicks off the subsidy of certification of organic agricultural products and thus completes the legal and regulatory arsenal concerning the law 39-12 on organic production.
This was enacted in 2013, but its implementing regulations have not yet been adopted, which is not without impact on the development of the nascent organic sector in Morocco ( « Organic market: the legal framework is not yet complete »).
« This decree is part of the state’s commitments under the contract program signed in 2011 by the government and professionals grouped within the Moroccan Interprofessional Federation of the Organic Sector (Fimabio) to develop the organic sector at the national level and for export, » says Slim Kabbaj, president of the Association of Distributors and Exporters of Organic Products (Anadexbio), a member of the federation.
A regulatory text on the Moroccan organic label expected
For the government, « the financial subsidy, paid directly to producers as support for the cost of certification, will help raise productivity and reduce the cost of production, while improving the quality and competitiveness of organic products.
According to Slim Kabbaj, other regulatory texts including that relating to the Moroccan organic label should be adopted in the coming weeks, concluding a long process of consultations and joint development between the Ministry of Agriculture, other relevant administrations and professionals in the sector represented by Fimabio. « From the status of niche on the national market, organic products should thus experience the same quantitative and qualitative leaps in marketing and awareness of citizens as advanced countries, and become an economic sector in its own right, » he concluded.